SolSuite 2018 Solitaire Card Games Suite - Game List |
682 fun and easy solitaire card games!
All your favorite games are implemented: Spider, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Busy Aces, Canfield, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Carpet, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir, Monte Carlo... and original solitaires that you cannot find elsewhere.
Complete list |

Spider solitaire games
29 Spider solitaire card games variations: Ant, Coleopter, Joker Scorpion, King
Edward, Mantis, Mrs Mop, Rouge et Noir, Scarab, Scorpion, Scorpion Four Decks,
Scorpion Three Decks, Scorpion Two Decks, ScorpionCell, Simple Simon, Spider
Build and Play, Spider Reversed, Spider Solitaire, Spider Solitaire Four Decks,
Spider Solitaire One Suit, Spider Solitaire Three Decks, Spider Solitaire Two
Suit, Spiderette, Wasp, Will o' the Wisp. |
FreeCell solitaire games 19 FreeCell solitaire card games variations: Baker's Game, Baker's Game Build and Play, Eight Off, Foxtrot, FreeCell, FreeCell Build and Play, FreeCell By Steps, FreeCell Four Decks, FreeCell Player Decision, FreeCell Reversed, FreeCell Three Decks, FreeCell Two Decks, Hidden FreeCell, Joker FreeCell, Penguin, Sea Towers and Stalactites. |
Klondike solitaire games
Klondike solitaire card games variations: Agnes I, Agnes II, Batsford, Blind
Alleys, Canister, Carlton, Double Easthaven, Double Klondike, Easthaven,
Gargantua, Giant, Harp, Joker Klondike, King Albert, Klondike, Klondike by
Threes, Klondike Four Decks, Klondike Reversed, Klondike Three Decks, Milligan
Harp, Miss Milligan, Raglan, Somerset, Steps, Titan, Whitehead, Thieves of
Egypt, Westcliff and Whitehead. |
24 other solitaire games types!
Solitaire card games of these types:
Adding solitaires |
Non-Builders solitaires |
Baker's Dozen |
One-Deck solitaires type |
Beleaguered Castle |
Pairing solitaires |
Canfield |
Puzzle solitaires |
Faerie Queen |
Queen of Italy |
Fan games |
Row solitaires |
Flower Garden |
Simple solitaires |
Forty Thieves |
Sir Tommy |
Four-Deck games |
Sly Fox |
Four Seasons |
Stripped deck |
Mathematical solitaires |
Two-Deck solitaires type |
Memory solitaires |
Yukon |

Solitaire Games for Children Over 15 exciting children's solitaire card games: Concentration, Contradance, Cover Up, Doublets, Eighteens, Fifteens, Fourteen Out, Nestor, Pairs, Prisoners, Robert, Thirteens, Travellers, Vertical |
Original solitaires More than 280 original solitaires that you cannot find elsewhere: Aces Square, Baccarat Solitaire, Canadian Patience, Climb the Hill, Coleopter, Connections, Diamond, Everest, Forget-Me-Not, Griffon, House of Lords, Mississippi, Museum, Napoleon's Exile, New Zealand Patience, Peony, Quartets, Rachel, Sydney Solitaire, Xantia, ... |
... and many more! |